Canvas Art Prints

Explore Stunning Canvas Art Prints showcasing Northeast Landmarks by Joanne Wishart


Elevate your space with the look of an original painting, for the price of a print!

Our canvas art prints boast exceptional quality, crafted on premium canvas with lightfast digital inks, and safeguarded with UV varnish for unmatched durability.

Each artwork is meticulously stretched around a sturdy wooden canvas frame, featuring a wraparound image design, eliminating the need for an additional frame.

A white box frame option is available if you like the look of a framed edge.  

Every print is custom-made, ensuring individual attention to detail, with an estimated lead time of 2-3 weeks.

Browse our impressive selection of open edition canvas art prints and order in person directly from the gallery. Or Tel: 0191 252 2686 to place your order! 

We will contact you when your print is ready for you to collect in person from our art gallery in Cullercoats. 



Sizes & Prices


22" x  22"  £200 unframed | £280 framed

24" x  24"  £210 unframed | £290 framed

26" x  26"  £220 unframed | £305 framed

28" x  28"  £230 unframed | £320 framed

30" x  30"  £240 unframed | £335 framed

32" x  32"  £250 unframed | £350 framed