Cove Harbour ( Scotland ) Original Painting

A view of beautiful Cove harbour in Scotland. This painting combines acrylic paint and collage to create a stunning centre piece for any modern seaside home. The painting is painted on canvas board and framed in a double cream and white painted wood frame. Painting size 60cm x 60cm outside size of frame 80cm x 80cm

Collect from my art gallery in Cullercoats or free UK delivery of the unframed painting is available.

International delivery available of the unframed painting.

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  • The click & collect option is for you to collect the painting in person from our art gallery in Cullercoats.
  • If there is no option button available for U.K. or international postage please contact the gallery for a bespoke delivery quote.
Option Click & Collect from Joanne Wishart Gallery Cullercoats

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